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"Dr. Lisa, I think you just saved my life. My health was starting to decline; I told myself "this is part of the aging process." I was wrong; sad it took almost a year to try your service for myself. My whole body including digestive system has improved. Thank you for saving my life."
- Darlene H.
"The first class helped me to cut out much of the extra sugar from my diet. By taking baby steps has finally allowed me to lose weight and lots of extra inches. My clothes are way too big and my cravings are gone. In fact, for the first time in many, many years I was able to buy a pair of pants in a regular size rather than plus size!
I really like Dr. Lisa’s emphasis on whole body wellness and I know I am a much healthier person now, thanks to Dr. Lisa."
-Rose Mary U.
"Participating in the program most notably helped me to become aware of the content of sugars, fats, fiber and proteins in the foods I commonly ate. By substituting some vegetables and reducing my fruits & portion sizes; I’m feeling more energy. My appetite is still healthy. I’ve always enjoyed food and now I’m full more quickly and am able to fast for 12-16 hours on a regular basis. Thank you Dr. Lisa for the encouragement and support to change my lifestyle habits.”
- Deb B.
"This program helped me pay attention to what foods I was eating, when I was eating, and the effects it has on my body. The simple steps I learned throughout the program were easy to implement and totally sustainable"
- Julie R.

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